Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions

Fast and Secure
Road and Air Transport
Service Provider

With more than 20 years of experience in the logistics industry.


Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions

Fast and Secure
Road and Air Transport
Service Provider

With more than 20 years of experience in the logistics industry.


Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions

Fast and Secure
Road and Air Transport
Service Provider

With more than 20 years of experience in the logistics industry.


Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions

Fast and Secure
Road and Air Transport
Service Provider

With more than 20 years of experience in the logistics industry.


Years of

About Company

A Trusted Transport &
Logistic Company

Welcome to Shiva Freight Movers, your trusted logistics partner exclusively within India for over two decades. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our operations, providing tailored transportation solutions that prioritize reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. With a focus on road and air transport, along with top-notch warehousing and packaging services, we ensure secure and swift deliveries tailored to the diverse needs of businesses across the country. From bustling urban centres to remote locations, our expertise in navigating the complexities of the Indian terrain, coupled with advanced technology, guarantees a seamless and cost-effective logistics experience. At Shiva Freight Movers, our last-mile delivery network ensures precision and care, making us the preferred choice for comprehensive transportation solutions. Contact us today to experience reliability, efficiency, and excellence in every shipment – where the last mile truly matters.


Parcels Shipped Safely


Cities Served in India


Satisfied Clients

Company Commitments

Our Commitments

Beyond being just a supplier, we function as genuine partners, offering guidance derived from your mobility data to assist you in cost reduction.

  • Right Time Delivery

    Experience the assurance of timely deliveries, where precision meets punctuality for your cargo every time.

  • 24/7 Online Support

    Our dedicated support team stands by you around the clock, ensuring seamless assistance whenever you need it.

  • Safe Package

    Trust in the security of your shipments with our meticulous and professional packaging services, providing a shield for your goods in transit.

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What Our Customer Say

Satisfied Customer

Helen Wilmore

“Cargo Transport”

Cargo transport is best porro quisquam Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum.

Satisfied Customer

Jhon Smith

“Air Freight Services”

Cargo transport is best porro quisquam Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum.

Satisfied Customer

Rebecca Tylor

“Road Transport”

Cargo transport is best porro quisquam Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum.




Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01. What transportation services does Shiva Freight Movers provide within India?


    Shiva Freight Movers offers comprehensive transportation solutions within India, including road transport connecting major cities and remote locations, as well as efficient air transport services.

  • 02. How does Shiva Freight Movers ensure the safety of shipments during transit?


    We prioritize the safety of your cargo through meticulous packaging using industry-standard materials and techniques. Our commitment to secure transportation extends to advanced tracking systems and dedicated last-mile delivery networks.

  • 03. Can Shiva Freight Movers handle time-sensitive deliveries?


    Absolutely. Our services include time-sensitive deliveries, especially through our swift air transport solutions. We understand the importance of timely shipments and strive to meet your deadlines.

  • 04. Does Shiva Freight Movers provide warehousing facilities?


    Yes, we offer warehousing solutions tailored to your storage needs. Our strategically located warehouse ensure secure and cost-effective storage options, accommodating short-term and long-term requirements.

  • 05. How can I get in touch with Shiva Freight Movers for support?


    Our customer support team is available 24/7. You can contact us through our hotline, email, or the contact form on our website. We are here to address your queries, provide updates, and ensure a seamless logistics experience.

  • 06. Does Shiva Freight Movers provide personalized transportation solutions?


    Absolutely. We understand that each business has unique transportation needs. Our team works closely with you to develop customized solutions based on the nature of your cargo and specific requirements.

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